The lush sounds of Vocális are captured in these professionally-produced recordings. Enjoy your favorite concert experiences, and present them as gifts to introduce your friends and family to Western New York’s premier a cappella choir. Price includes shipping and handling.

Anima Mea – Songs For The Soul
When Lilacs Last In The Dooryard Bloom’d
Thou, My Love, Art Fair*
I Am The Way
I Saw A Peacock
Contre Qui, Rose**
The Lily And The Rose*
Shepherd’s Carol
Winter Sun
Danny Boy
When I Am Dead
Let My Love Be Heard
Tu sangre en la mia
The Road Home
Light Of A Clear Blue Morning
Unclouded Day​
* Bob Chilcott, conductor
** Peter Blanford, conductor
Anima Mea – Songs For The Soul CD, $15

A Vocális Christmas DVD – Recorded Live in 2017
I Wonder As I Wander
A Boy Was Born
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
O magnum mysterium
This Day Christ Was Born
O Sapientia
Fum, Fum, Fum
I Saw Three Ships
Veni redemptor gentium
Away In a Manger
Winter Sun
Lo, How a Rose
In dulci jubilo
Winter Wonderland
Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
12 Days of Christmas
A Vocális Christmas – Recorded Live in 2017 DVD, $15

A Vocális Christmas
I Wonder As I Wander
Past Three O’Clock
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
O Magnum Mysterium
The Holly and the Ivy
What Child Is This?
O Little One Sweet
In Dulci Jubilo
Noël Nouvelet
Ai, Nama Mãmina
The Infant King
Coventry Carol
O Beatum et Sacrosanctum Diem
Canite Tuba
Silent Night
A Christmas Round/Today the Virgin
Alleluya, A New Work Is Come
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
Carol of the Bells
Deck the Halls
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Santa Claus Is Comin’
A Vocális Christmas CD, $15

Eastern European Explorations
Adoramus te, Christe
Benedicimus Deum Coeli
Krzyzu Swiety
Eli, Eli!
Polish Lullaby Carol
Ave Maris Stella
Matko Najswietsza
Begereditse Devo from Vespers
The Beatitudes (1990)
Ai, Nama Mamina from Three Latvian Carols
W Krayzu Cierpienia
Totus Tuus Op. 60 (1987)
Fantasia “Wawel”
O Sacrum Convivium
Salvation is Created (1912)
Aj, Lucka, Lucka, Siroka
Eastern European Explorations CD, $10

Vocális - Journey In Song
My Spirit Sang All Day, Gerald Finzi
Salmo 150, Ernani Aguiar
Versa est in Luctum, Jose de Torres
Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Thomas Weelkes
Justorum Animae, Orlande de Lassus
The Gift To Be Simple, Arr. Bob Chilcott
There Will Be Rest, Frank Ticheli
El Grillo, Josquin Desprez
Hope, Faith, Life, Love, Eric Whitacre
Cloudburst, Eric Whitacre
Abendlied, Josef Rheinberger
Deus in Adjutorium Meum, Benjamin Britten
Verbum Caro Facutum Est, Spanish Villancico/Anon.
Riu, Riu, Chiu, Mateo Flecha el Viejo
Calling My Children Home, Doyle Lawson, Charles Waller, Robert Yates – Arr. Jennings
Hamb Lulu, African Song – Arr. Mike Brewer
Journey in Song CD, $10

Wondrous Gift - Our First Christmas Disc!
Savior of the Nations, Come
Child of Peace
Away in a Manger
Verbum Caro Factum Est
Riu, Riu, Chiu
Laudibus in Sanctis
Entre Le Boeuf
O Magnum Mysterium
I Saw Three Ships
Three Nativity Carols: The Holly and the Ivy, This Endris Night, Wonder Tidings
Veni Redemptor Gentium
Come, Thou Redeemer of the Earth
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
Hymn to the Mother of God
Carol of the Bells
Silent Night
Christmas Time is Here
Deck the Halls
Wondrous Gift CD, $10
Vocális Chamber Choir is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts organization. Gifts in support of our mission are greatly appreciated and tax deductible.
The Vocális Chamber Choir, a select ensemble of dedicated professionals based in Western New York, is committed to performing great a cappella music from all eras, and to cultivating an awareness of the art of choral singing. We strive to inspire, educate, and enlighten our audiences through an intimate and moving concert experience.
Vocális Chamber Choir is supported in part with cultural funding from the Cullen Foundation and the New York State Council on the Arts. Thanks to County Executive Mark Poloncarz, Governor Kathy Hochul, and the Erie County and New York State Legislatures for their continued support.
Thank you for your ongoing support! Donations are always gratefully accepted.